Laying my Card On The Table

Jun 22, 2006 08:04

Now that the deck has been released, i can show you my contribution to profkampf's LJ Deck o' Cards. As a collective art project, he shuffled a deck of cards and then assigned them in the order that folks signed up for the abuse project. Everyone was given about two weeks since they had to be back in on or before his birthday (which was yesterday...*happy happy again, Ray*) and i think only 6 cards missed the deadline. Not bad for a first try at this. i think the whole project turned out great and the breadth of ideas and the show of talent was simply amazing.

i hemmed and hawed over mine. i mean, what the hell do you do with the friggin' two of Spades??? As i mentioned last Sunday, while whiningbemoaning this point to flirtcub last Friday instead of working, he told me to not get wrapped up with it and just do it in the style of my LJ. So i did. Hope you like the results. Be sure and surf over to Ray's and see the whole really IS amazing!

In other fun news, i received this automated email from the BACC this morning:"Action Required: You are receiving this message because your scheduling calendar reflects your current assignment is due to end within the next 15 days."
Fuckin'-A, boys!! Two weeks and a wake-up! Yeah, i bet i gotta work on 4th of July weekend, but so do the suckers who AREN'T getting away. My ex-roomie over at the Corporate Condo showed me an updated access roster for one of the other projects kicking off here at this client and it had my name on it. And no one has even APPROACHED me to see if i would even be the slightest bit interested in their project (to quote that asshole republican senator from Alaska when asked if he would consider giving up the $50-zillion "Bridge to Nowhere" to help with the federal budget deficit: "NO!!!!"). Typical of how this whole thing has been run. No, this calls for blind faith and fast feet.

PLUS, it's Thursday which trumps allsmilesbear's Humpdaybootyshake since it's leave-work-early-fly-home-to-Matthew-and-have-cocktails-at-JJs day!! Not that we don't all love the bootyshake...WOOF!!! Once again, blind faith, fast feet and haul-ass-home-quick!!

Daddy would have been 60 today. i love You, Daddy. peace.

cards, art, work, daddy

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