Gettng Used To Bad Moods

Jun 13, 2006 07:30

Man-o-man, what a yucky weekend. Working on Friday sucked, even if i DID get to work at home. We didn't even go out Friday night. Just as well, we had to get up early, so Matt made us a yummy dinner and we watched Doctor Who's season finale. i haven't heard too much on here, but i'm personally not sure i'm too happy with the outcome. Oh well...
Saturday, Matthew had a training seminar all day which is just as well since i had to work all day. And it was a lovely day in St. Louis. And it was a total waste of time!! i knew the database we were working on was messed up from the git-go and, sure enough, it was. So everything i did was crap. Deadlines and being behind schedule...what fun. i don't mind putting in the hours, but i hate wasting my time. Oh well, three weeks, baby!! Matthew got home and took a nap and i kept working.
Matthew got me a couple of lavender bushes to replace the ones that didn't make it last year and i got them planted and then we went off to Ari's, a nice little greek place we enjoy going to for a quick bite before the bear meeting. We stayed for a bit after the meeting, but i was really tired and in a bad mood, so we didn't stay long.
Besides, we had to get back up the next morning since Matthew had a second day of his seminar. It rained cats & dogs Saturday night and was still raining that morning, but no damage. The cover on the jeep had slipped, so i would have to bail out the floor boards. i tried to do some work, but the database was still hosed.
i drove the hour out to my parents' place in House Springs, the formerly small town i grew up in. The four-lane highway that they put in just before i left for the Army has helped the area become a far suburb of St. Louis. Still the rolling hills and lush woods keep it "real", for want of a better word. Still, i wouldn't ride my bike down the main roads like i did when i was a kid. Mom's doing fine...sorting through old junk. Anyone who wants to know how even after all those years in the Army i'm still a dyed-in-the-wool packrat need look no further than my folks place. They're both amazing packrats...Mom has the house and Dad has the shed (which is bigger than the house). Both are full of the most amazing variety of..."stuff". Dad's leans more towards tools, lumber and mechanical junk and mom's is pretty much everything else. We laughed over some old "artifacts" that she'd dug up in her archeological excavation of some boxes that hadn't seen the light of day in decades. She gave me some antique tools that had belonged to her mother.
It was a rainy drive out there...i seem to pick the wettest, chilliest days to go for long rides in the jeep. Still, the wet, overcast lighting made the greens around the house in the woods that much greener. Where did that tree come from? It wasn't there when i was a kid. After awhile it was time to head back into the city. Having to make that long drive without a radio got me pissed off at the little fuckers that stole it again. Razor blades...glued to the backsides of the radio that eventually fills the gaping hole in my dash...yeah, that's it; that'll teach the little bastards.
When i got back, i let Coco out and we were putting the trail cover back on the Jeep when a couple of our friends pulled up. They needed a real estate agent STAT!! and Matthew wasn't answering his phone. They had found a really nice little house and needed to get an offer in immediately since it was priced really good and wouldn't last. It was a cute mid-sized "ginger bread" and neither the realtor nor the seller (the daughter of the late little old lady who lived there) really knew the value of the neighborhood, so it was a great buy. Once Matthew got home we went over and checked the place was really nice and a great buy. It'll be a good house for our friend. They wrote up the offer and sent it in. It was a full-price offer, but it turned out that there is another offer submitted. Taking a clue from an episode of "House Hunters", i mentioned that we should tell them that this was the young man who the woman selling the house had met; she was there earlier in the day and let them in to see it and seemed to hit it off pretty good. She knows he's from the neighborhood and wants to continue to do good in the neighborhood...not just do a "turn-and-burn". It seems to have helped. A snag has come up on their side, but the offer is still on the table. Keep your fingers crossed.
Afterwards, we all went down to see Big Daddy Art at JJs to have a cocktail...our first-time home-buyer was a bundle of nerves. We could all use one after this weekend.
After we got home, Matthew and i were talking. He mentioned that lately, the way i've been workng, i've become a little distant and he missed me. i miss me there too. i don't like it when Matthew is not happy. Three weeks...three long weeks...

work, mom, real estate

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