On Sunday i went to my niece's house for my great-nephew's birthday. i thought he was going to be 5 or 6, so i got him some of those electronic drumsticks that you can bang on anything. Everyone thought it was the coolest...even though he's only 4. (You know how bad i am with spatial time). They love me now...they'll hate me later. Also got to see my new grand-niece/great-niece/pretty-neat-niece who was born 8 weeks ago. Yeah, i should have gone over a long time ago, but i wanted to make sure everyone was well and rested. A nice day to catch up with the family.
After not getting much sleep on Sunday night, i approached the week with a sense of dread due to idiotic things that happened last Friday. All finally got settled, but it was still a rough week. Monday night i went and got some Five Guys hamburgers and that's the pic-o'-the-day since i didn't have anything else. On Tuesday, i got to have dinner with Joel of the
btalkworld/b-TALK podcast who now seems to have Tuesdays free on his calendar. This is the first time we've ever gotten to sit down and talk one-on-one even though we've been aquainted for several years between LJ and the like. It was worth the wait. i took him to the circa-1934 Convention Grill that Dan/
musicbearmn turned me on to and Joel had never been. A really nice, relaxing evening.
By Wednesday, things started getting a little better. i didn't have to work as late as i did the night before, so that was a good thing. Nice relaxing evening.
By Thursday, things were working much better and my mood had shown a marked improvement. Got out of the office and to the airport on time, but once again, Chicago-O'Hare fucks everything up. That flight got in late (no big surprise) and had the damn gates blocked. AA only has 2-1/2 gates at MSP and they can only handle certain types of planes. So we got out an hour late. About midway through the flight, my seat-mate discovered that the back row was empty, so he decamped for the space and let me have the exit row to myself. mmm...space is nice. Matt had taken our buddy Jake on a surprise night out to get sushi and then to the Reel Big Fish/English Beat concert. Jake is a real "rude boy" and has done so much to help Matt out that when i saw the concert announcement, i snatched up some tix immediately. i told Matt to make it a surprise, so he didn't know they were going to the show until they pulled up at the theatre. Actually, it wasn't until they were in the new smokeshop next to the theatre and ran into the members of Reel Big Fish looking to score. LOL!! Jake couldn't believe it and they had a wonderful time. It's so nice when you can do something like that for your friends. Too bad i couldn't have been there to see the smile on his face. Oh well, i'll hear the stories tonight at happy hour.
OK, we're caught up. Have a great weekend, folks!