i checked in with Junior. All of these tests revealed that i have....
...nothing. Anti-climactic, isn't it?
Junior said that for now, i'm just his "Mystery Bear". i guess it's better than being sick. i really do feel better these days. He said that even the googly-eye isn't quite as googly as it was. The sera-something-in level (a marker that things are going badly) went from 98 (in OMG territory) down to like...2. And yes, everything you guys threw out as possibilities - even the really weird ones - i mentioned to Junior and he had pretty much already tested for them. i really appreciate all the concern and love from you all; thank you so much. This has turned out to be the lamest episode of "House" ever. i just hope that it hasn't gone back into hiding. Whatever it was(is?), it was no fun.
So that's it. Sure, i've got another eye doctor visit next week and a pulmonary function test. But more importantly, Robert is back tomorrow night. And if i'm a good boy, by Sunday evening i'll have the reddest ass in town!