"Your Arsenal"

Jan 04, 2009 15:36

A lot of folks ask me what equipment i use to take all of my pictures. Well, here are my friends. The majority of the photos i've taken this past year have been with my trusty little Panasonic/Lumix FX33. This little bugger has a really wide-angle lens and takes great natural light pictures once you figure out how to do it. All that in a size smaller than a deck of cards (or a pack of cigarettes) so i take it everywhere i go. Thus i always have something to take a picture with other than a cellphone. And since in my other pocket i have my trusty g'pod,
i'm good to go for just about anything. Well, i have a tendency to be rough on things. i beat and bang them around just like i do to myself. Hell, the lens is dented and the covers don't close anymore. Not to mention going out in the rain and snow and stuff. i had bought a waterproof bag to take pictures in the water, but the lens of my Lumix would hit the bag and retract. So i also got it's big brother, an older TZ-1 which has a fixed lens housing, so it would fit in the bag. i had some fun last summer, but it was a real pain in the ass to use and had a tendency to fog even with the silica bag (one of which blew up...messy). Plus, it's just a bit too big and clunky to fit in a pocket. So that brings us to the new kid in the box, an Olympus SW 1030. This was what was in the box that Matt chased down on Friday. We used a couple of giftcards and had to argue with the chucklehead at BestBuy, but here it is. Waterproof to 33ft and shockproof to 6-1/2 feet. But is it "wooferProof"? i guess we'll see.

cameras, 366, photography, camera

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