So my first day back at work was kinda low-key, to say the least, since practically everyone else was working remote. So i didn't really have to deal with anyone face-to-face and that's ok with me. Of course, by the same token, i couldn't raise the people i needed to raise online much either. *huff!* Fine, if they don't care, why should i? Ten hours later, i headed home to a quiet evening. i'm feeling better - thanks for all the well-wishes - though i sometimes feel like my stomach is being squeezed, kinda. i can't describe it any better than that. Oh, and get this: now i have this weird rash on the back of my noggin! i don't know WTF is wrong with me. i'm just falling apart...or rotting away, i don't know which.
Robert wanted me to come out last night, but i decided it wasn't such a good idea. Besides, we wanted to get up early today so we could snuggle and have coffee before i took Matt to the
Botanical Garden for the annual Japanese Festival. It's supposed to be a lovely day which means it'll be crowd city, but i'll put up with it just for Matthew. Wish me luck.