Gettin' Started, Lookin' Back

May 06, 2008 10:04

Nothing new to report. You already know that i was stuck in meetings all day yesterday. BLAH! What a waste...all my stuff is cool. Still, i got plenty to do without the BS. After work, i got sucked into a drink then dinner deal. Turns out that the dad of one of the client managers worked with my dad at the electric company back in the '70s. Small world, eh? It was OK, but i was over the fun and i'd spent quite enough time with these folks, thank you very much, and i wanted to get home. Well, home being a relative term. In the words of that sage philosopher, Lord John Worfin as he spoke to John Bigboote: "Home is'a where you hang'a your hat!" There's always time for reflection...but i think i've done quite enough in this past month, don't you?

366, sf08

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