Lesson #1: When conducting training, it is always best to have a lesson plan. i didn't, but then again, i never expected to spend three days training them from scratch almost. Silly me. No matter, its been going well. i was supposed to go see
pauliebearsf and his hubby, Mike, last night, but i had to go to a team dinner instead. Oh well, i think they're going to have me back and so he'll get first dibs. This afternoon i head home. Its been weird being back on the road after nearly two months. i was really getting spoiled waking up everyday at home and spoiling Matt. i'll start back to doing that in the morning. But first i gotta get there. i have to change planes at LAX to get back to STL, but as of this writing i don't have a seat on that plane. i really don't want to get stranded in LA. Not now, anyway. You want to know something weird? i can picture the road leading up to the terminal at LAX, coming under the freeway, the stripjoint off to the right side, the palm trees. Strange, but i can see it plain as day. And it's been over 15 years.
i'm starting to think that stupid secrets project was a bad idea. i thought i had put some of these things behind me. i woke up at 3:30 this morning and tried to get back to sleep. i gave up at 5. If i get on that flight this afternoon, i still won't land until midnight. It's going to be a long day.
This goose is on the ledge outside the office at the client. They called building services to have it cleaned up. They said they didn't have insurance to send the cleaning crew up on those ledges and that they should let nature take its course. Fortunately, the windows don't open.