You Can Change A Billboard Easier Than You Can Change Yourself

Feb 27, 2006 09:24

image courtesy of flirtcub
If you saw my couple of posts from about a week and a half ago about this weird billboard and the silly ass "Cure for Gayness" conference that Focus on the Family was holding here, it happened this weekend and pretty much came and went w/out fanfare. However, i DID want to let you all know that someone climbed up on the billboard and right under the part where the billboard says "I questioned homosexuality", they strung up a sheet saying "...and the answer is YES!!" and another sheet painted as a large pride flag. So, they didn't destroy anything...they just added to it. i noticed the board at 5 o'clock this morning on my way to the airport. It made me smile. Right on, brothers!

billboard, gay rights

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