Another Title, Another Show

Apr 06, 2008 13:24

Yesterday was "Paper Day". i must admit that i've been bad about keeping up with the mail and bills and, worst of all, my taxes. They had been gathering in a basket by the mailbox and it just gets overwhelming. i just didn't want to face it and it just piles up. i think i threw away two shopping bags worth of credit card applications and other "special offers". The shopping bags were paper, of course, so they could go straight into the recycling. Monday evening i visit the tax man; i'd do it myself, but there are three states to deal with so the company will pay for it. Why not?

We finally made it out to the bar last night for the Mr Midwest Leather contest.
When we got there, we saw Rich filling in at the front bar. i then realised that it was 7 years ago to the day that i first walked into JJ's having gotten back from Germany just 3 days earlier. Rich was filling in that day as well since Art was away on vacation. He tried very hard to start up a conversation with me, but i wasn't very forthcoming since i still had that "Army paranoid mindset". We had a shot to old times.

We went off to the Clubhouse for the rest of the evening - you gotta get there early if you want a seat and Matthew sure as hell wasn't going to stand around all night. Fortunately, our buddies Robert, Ken and Shane - who you may recall from the "bunny dance box" at the Hidden Door in Dallas a few weeks ago - were there, so it made the night a lot more fun. The contest itself was OK. There were only 3 contestants, so that made things a bit more "compact". And while Lady Dom, the MC, did a pretty good job of moving things along, these things are really just an exercise in public masturbation for the judges and title-holders. i mean, really, do you care that this guy was Mr Tallywacker 2003? She claimed that the fact that we got to see the reigning International Mr Leather giving the reigning LeatherSir a birthday spanking was some kind of historical, one-in-a-lifetime event was just stretching credulity. They spend more time on the judge's bios than talking to or about the contestants. As if anyone really cares.

The big difference between this contest and last month's Mr Missouri Leather was that that one was run by the Gateway MC, a local leather club, and this one was run by a private concern. There was a cover, but they would need it since the prize was $500 plus 4 nights at the Hyatt in Chicago for IML. Have you seen the friggin' prices for IML and Bear Pride?? They start at $195 at the Hyatt and $165 at the Knick' with the Bears. Hell, the only reasons to go any more are the Leather Mart and the Bears Showtunes on Monday. Guess who ain't goin' to Chicago that weekend?

366, leather, leather contest

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