Ask woofer #10 - #20: A Few "Quick Ones"

Mar 07, 2008 10:47

Here are some quick answers to some quick questions to get us caught up a bit.

From ironranger1
-Question: If you could fulfill one dream or aspiration, what would it be and why, woofer?
-Answer: To travel around the world, though i doubt it will ever happen. There are so many cool places and cultures to see and experience. Ah, to be rich...

ottocub expounded
-Question: If you had to choose would you rather be bigger or smaller?
-Answer: i like the size i am right now. i don't want to get so big that i can't move freely, but i don't look good skinny. i just wish my gut wasn't "saggy".

From cachorro34
-Question: When are we gonna have a Woofer and Wayner night?
-Answer: Whenever the time and place are right. i wish i had something more definite other than i'd like it to happen. Karaoke would definitely be involved!

Sexy Seattleite ursusnoir said
-Question: Would you rather pose for my camera or have me pose for your camera, or we both pose and use the self timer? ;)
-Answer: Why not all three? You in some kinda rush or somethin'??? We'll take our time, definitely.

From paladincub21
-Question: I've always been curious, like Ryan was, what you think of me. :)
-Answer: Well, while you seem like a really great guy, to be honest, you and i just don't have the interaction between us that Ryan and i do, so that's all i have to go by. i guess we'd need to get to know each other better for me to answer that one better.

From tnchadwick:
-Question: What is the strangest sex scene you have ever witnessed?
-Answer: Well, i've done some pretty strange stuff or, at least, what others would consider "strange". Scat is pretty strange to me...i could never get into that at all. i think it's the smell. i have a very good friend who is into infantilism and i guess i can understand where it comes from, but it doesn't do anything for me at all. Also, i consider anything involving women to be strange, but i'm just not into women; i'm sure you'll understand. But i'm non-judgemental when i comes to kink. Judge not lest ye olde kink be judged! LOL!

The rockin' murd0c asked:
-Question: Have you ever been in a mosh pit?
-Answer: Yes, and i got a black eye. It was the '80s...we did a LOT of moshing.

The sexy-in-ink-as-in-real-life jrbear asked:
-Question: "Oh here's a question. How exactly did our blog cross streams again?"
-Answer: In typical LJ fashion. Found your comment to someone else's entry, thought the comment and the user pic were pretty cool. Clicked over and found a fantastic artist and photographer. Got hooked. Simple!

non-LJ'er Derek had one:
-Question: "How do you live so well with your life? It looks that you've made the right choice since the beginning..."
-Answer: my life has been led purely by chance. There was no grand scheme or master plan. There was once, but that was when i was young and foolish. As soon as you make a plan, someone or something happens to fuck it up which leads to disappointment. So it's all dumb luck. And i've been pretty dumb, for which i've suffered, but i've been pretty lucky too.

confidential to verucabear
-Answer: When i get to do the same to yours!! TBRU is coming up, but you know you can't plan anything on a bear run. WOOF!

Flickrfriend tom29Ger
-Question: "Will you be a model for me, once we gonna meet again someday? Tell me early, I have to invest in a decent flashlight (not fleshlight) in advance!"
-Answer: Are you kidding? You're such an amazing photographer that i would LOVE to pose for you...anywhere anytime in as much or as little as you'd like. Hopefully BOTH!! WOOF!!

So that kinda gets us caught up. For now, at least. i have some more and i'll get to them. But we're only a week into the month, so i gotta pace myself, eh?

Ask your own secret or not-so-secret question by leaving a comment here.

See the complete Questions 2008 Series here.


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