Cactus Canyon Pt1: Christmas in July

Jul 25, 2007 20:02

This past weekend, Matt and i went with about 20 of the Bears down to Cactus Canyon, a gay clothing-optional campground down in the Ozarks. As you'll recall, i didn't get home from Chicago until nearly midnight last Wednesday and we had to be out in Fenton to meet up the rest of the gang by 8:30 and the jeep hadn't even been packed yet. So we were up by 6 and piled all the bags and coolers and stuff in the back of the jeep and lashed the trail cover over the top and headed off. It took a good chunk of the first couple days to get everything set up since it was "Christmas in July" weekend (quite coincidentally) and one of our group was a real nut for decorating. i brought the big blowup polar bear...everyone does their bit, eh? For the next five days we didn't do a whole helluva lot. Hung out, went swimming, walked around, took the jeep up in the hills...and i didn't put on a stitch of clothes until i HAD to when we were heading out the gate on Monday. OK, so i got a littel bit of sunburn, but it was still a great time. You can see all the pictures here. Remember, it was clothing optional and we definitely exercised our option! Thus, it might not be work safe.
Some of my favorite pics...

The campsite by day and night

walking the dogs; trimming one of the trees; back to the jeep;

Back to nature...the creek through the canyon and the wonderful wildflowers

al fresco showering; Matt & Arno; Matt & woofer

...the fire at night...

...going home...

If you like these, check out the whole set. Tomorrow: The Pool...Jeeping in the Woods.

camping, cactus canyon, nudism

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