Dive Into Summer

Jun 21, 2007 14:39

Welcome to Summer! It's official as of 1:06pm CST today. The longest day of the year, though i'd be hard pressed to tell you. Of course, if i'm lucky, that means it might still be light when i get off work! Last weekend we took a break and went out and got some ice cream. Damn, it was hot out. We asked each other, "What happened to Spring?"

The answer, sadly, was: "We worked through it."

The tech manager on the project said yesterday that i really need to try and get back on a 40-hour schedule now that we're over the first phase. Of course, the girl that is running conversions is a bigger workaholic than me and very detail-oriented which is really what you want with something like this and she really keeps me in line. But when does it start to get crazy again? i had my annual review and he actually said that he's worried about losing me and doesn't want to see me get burned out and leave the company and that he'd really like to see me still here next year. Of course, Matt had told me on the phone that very same morning that he wants me working on my resume on vacation and start looking for something local. i said that i didn't want to leave before we do our phase-II go-live in September, but he said i didn't need to wait...i'd just get sucked into something else. But it's not the team members that got me into this...and they've been working just as long. So, that begs the question: Where does loyalty end and sanity begin? Matt says he understands my old Army ways and sticking with a project until the mission is completed, but those rules don't apply here. i've got a pretty good summer schedule worked out. These next two weeks off, our long weekend running around naked at Cactus Canyon in late July and then another week off in August before go-live in September. Plus i have another 240 hours of vacation time floating around -- the time this summer was use-it-or-lose-it time. i'm not really good at these kinds of things. Oh well, a little rest and a little distance will help clear my head. Cruel summer indeed...

work, summer, pool

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