We slept in on Saturday. Late. And, for once, i managed to stay in bed and snooze and snuggle and relax. Usually i'm lucky to make it past 7 o'clock then my internal radio station kicks in and the thoughts kick in and the worries of the world...work, bills, drama and trauma...get the upper hand and destroy my reverie and the noise that rushes in to fill the silence is deafening and if i don't get up and turn on a radio or something to distract me, it drives me mad.
But not this day. And it wasn't because we were out partying all night Friday. Quite the opposite, we had dinner with Lance/
lanceleo and had plans to go out with Jake/
cweleatherman, but we had bellies full of good Vietnamese food and right about the time we had decided to stay in, Jake called and said he'd come to the same conclusion. So we watched a little tube and trundled off to bed.
Saturday was a screw-around day. After the aforementioned sleeping in, Lance came over and we all went out to Hobby Lobby to look at picture frames and check out the going-out-of-business sale at CompUSA. Nothing much...just an excuse to get out and enjoy the beautiful fake summer day. (Check out Matt's post
here for a cute picture of us at Hobby Lobby). Matthew had decided that we should all wear our groovy new black-&-blue adidas'.
In case you didn't know it, Matt likes sneakers. So does Lance, but he's more Imelda Marcos collect-&-wear to Matt's full-on gear fetish. Take Matt Damon done up for his punk-rocker cameo in the film "EuroTrip", put him in some sneaks, and there you have it. Rope is optional, but not required. Any way, Lance found these black-&-blue adidas' a few weeks back at Champs Sporting Goods and Matt fell in love with them. i thought they were pretty cool too (which is rare for me, since i'd rather be licking boots). So, anyway, week-before-last we dropped by to check 'em out.
OK, this was the week before he closed on Jim & Randy's house and bill-paying time, so i wasn't too keen on the idea. They were 2/$89 or $65/pair. Obviously, buying one pair wasn't the economical choice, so that meant two pair. i didn't really need a new pair of sneaks (i rarely wear my good NBs and usually wear my raggedy, old NBs that the good ones were to replace, much to Matt's chagrin). They had Matt's size, but would have to order mine. Still, we'd get the sale price on them. Grrr...it's not like we really had ninety bucks to blow or that we really needed them. All i could say was:"...the gas bill was $200 last month..."
Well, that kinda put a damper on the festivities. We hemmed and hawed a bit, then Matt said, dejectedly, "you're right, we don't need to be spending this money right now". So we wandered off down the mall to Dick's Sporting Goods, but our heart wasn't in it anymore. i had really bummed Matt out, i could tell, and i really felt bad. When we got back down to the main level, i tried to drag him back to Champs to get the shoes, but the moment had passed. "No, you're right, we don't need to be spending that money."
So we talked. Matt WAS about to close his first place and this time it looked like it was going to really go through. And he really DID deserve a bigger reward than a giant cookie (though, you gotta admit, the cookie reward WAS kinda funny). i just didn't want us to let our guard down and start buying things thinking we had finally opened a steady revenue stream. Yeah, i know it's kinda fucked up that i couldn't just enjoy the moment. (KINDA??) i hate having to feel like i have to be all responsible and shit and wish i could just lighten the fuck up. Hell, it's been three months and i'm STILL not able to write about the xbox. i hate money. Almost as much as i hate organized religion. And Karl Rove. So we decided to get the shoes. OK, so Matt went down and got them that Monday. And that's cool too. He's earned 'em and i love him.
...and now we have fabogroovy matching shoes.
PSST! i'll let you in on a secret. i love wearing matching outfits. Weird, huh? i don't care...i'm a weird guy.