In the truest spirit of Valentine's day, Paul Wall has provided us hoes with a wonderful gift idea for our treasured baller or pimp. A 2006 exclusive, Mr. Wall presents:
Grills by Paul Wall.
Now, he has considered that some of us ladies aren't the most lucrative hoes in the Crunk South, so for the lady on a G-string budget, he brings to our attention the "Baller on a Budget" model.
If you've holed away some extra Benjamins, and you want to treat your man to a little bit of luxury, why not consider the "Baller on the Rise" model? He's almost made it in the Atlanta drug ring and he needs a signature snarl-- we understand!
Say your man's timing is right and he gets the coveted spot opening for hot act Mike Jones this summer. Looking for a way to spend his recording contract? Put down the local plastic surgeon's brochure, your man likes your ass the way it is, we assure you. What would he truly covet? Why, the "Ballin for Life" model!
Now, I know what you're thinking: How is Paul Wall going to customize my man's grill so it fits his teeth snugly? My fellow woman, Mr. Wall has already considered that! He's got the low down on your local dentist scene, so put your trust in Paul and leave the subtle clue of having your man go in for a teeth mold!
We hope you now have some ideas and will make the right purchase this St. Valentine's Day. If you're not yet convinced, take a look at the inspiring flash animation at our website.
I believe you'll be convinced. Keep it dirty! Southern style!