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Oct 17, 2013 11:26

вот пишут что до 30% страдают от impostor syndromе.. я тоже часто думаю что многое у меня незаслуженно и я недостаточно много к столу приношу, и все такое. Оказывается, такое думаю не только я, и у женщин это чаще встречается.
The “Impostor Syndrome” is real:  researchers at Georgia State University found that 33% of the high-achieving adults they interviewed did not feel they deserved their success. The Imposter Syndrome meant that sufferers opted out of important career opportunities, to their financial and personal detriment.
Women in particular struggle with confidence. They often are less adept at moving forward after setbacks, reading temporary failures as permanent deficiencies, and they often have smaller professional social safety nets than men.



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