My mother's Chrysler New Yorker...

Oct 24, 2013 12:07

I am sure this is not exactly how things went down, but childhood memories are often skewed by age and perspective...

Back in "the day", my mother owned a Chrysler New Yorker and she loved the car. Except, for one minor thing. The washer fluid sensor was shot. And so, every morning she would get in that car, start it up and it would dutifully give her information it found relevant. Things like the need to fasten her seatbelt, the fact that she was low on fuel, or even that her door was somehow actually a jar. But, along with all of this, ALWAYS, she would hear, "Your washer fluid, is low." in that mechanical voice.

At first, it was amusing. Then annoying. Then, she started talking back. Small things at first, "Yes, I know." "Yes, thank-you." "I know it's low." "I KNOW it's low!" "Is my washer fluid low?""Oh well THANK-You." "Of course it's low, it's always low, it's NOT LOW!" etc...

Until one cold morning when she got in the car, started it up and it said to her, "All monitored systems are functioning." In shock, she BURSTS back into the house where my sister and I are sitting in the kitchen having breakfast, and she yells at us to put on our shoes and come out to the car quickly... We were confused but ran out to the car with her, jumped in, closed the doors and as my mother put her key in and started the car... it said to us, "Your washer fluid is low."

We all have these points in our childhood where, we look back and can say without question that, this incident? This was a breaking point for our parents. This was one of those things that, just... Explain so much. My mother argued, she begged, she pleaded with that car to hear those words again, but they did not come. In my head, I don't believe the car last much longer after that. But, thanks to the power of YouTube, I can hear that voice again and smile! (And, hopefully enough time has passed that it will make my mother smile as well!)

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childhood, family, memories

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