Summer's End...

Aug 23, 2010 10:36

So...  It was an amazing summer and as I look back at it I realize...  I didn't keep a record of ANY of it here...  Which, is the whole point of having this, right?!?  Anyway, here's the weekend's recap:

Friday - I woke up early at Ryan's mother's house in the sub-urbs, as it was his last night before heading back to school and I wanted to help load the moving truck before seeing him off...  And of course, make the most of every last minute we had...  God I love him.  And ultimately, the distance I think is a good thing.  It's just far enough that he can concentrate on school, but just far enough that we can be sure to visit monthly.  I helped with what I could and headed off to work...  After work I headed home with no intention of doing anything other than cleaning and organizing...  However I came home to find my neighbor Eddie was having people over and grilling, so I agreed to join them later.  I did some organizing, cleaning, taking out lots of trash and setting all the household appliances to start doing their respective jobs...  And I found a note in my 'fridge which read simply...  "I miss you already"...  It was awesome and took the edge off of being alone for the first time in my condo in...  I dunno how long.  zooberpossum came by and we headed out to see the neighbors...  A good time was had and eventually we were joined by allhailkush until rather late.  Met Dylan, Monica's new roomate from upstairs.  I wished that Ryan were still around as I thought they'd have a lot to talk about, both being art-school geeks.  But bed-time came and went and I crawled off to pass out.

Saturday - Didn't get nearly enough sleep...  I need blackout shades in the bedroom.  And to not be so old that I wake up the same time each day regardless of it being a weekday or weekend.  Found another note from my AMAZING boyfriend in the bathroom cabinet.  *WAGZ*  And Zoober hung out for a bit, then headed home.  metroactual happened to be in the neighborhood so he ran with me to Walgreens to grab photos for later as well as grab a box to ship a charger Ryan left behind and of course, grab foodz over at the Deluxe Diner.  After which, he headed home and I ran off for an oil-change before heading to my cousin Maria's house for my father's 60th Birthday Party.  An awesome afternoon/evening was had as always and for once, the drama was minimal, which is rare and awesome.  I got home relatively early, running into Eddie who had more people over and was having another BBQ...  I promised to hang, then made it all of 5 feet inside my door before passing out on the couch.

Sunday - Spent my entire morning working on bills and clearing my desk off for the first time in about four months.  I was in awe of the progress and kept on the roll by cleaning my windows for the first time in...  Probably years.  Like, actually cleaning...  not just a quick swipe of the cloth, but scrubbing the tracks of the frame and trim, taking the screens off and cleaning those too...  Not completely done, but great progress.  Ran by the Glenwood Avenue Arts Festival for Frozen Champagne Slushies and lunch, then back to more cleaning...  Then back for more Slushies and voting on new wall murals for the neighborhood...  Then the monthly MFF Meeting.  I officially took over darkwolph's roll as Treasurer of MFF and began the hand-off of Logistics to evil_spork.  After the meeting I headed back to the Fest to enjoy the music, people-watching and Champagne Slushies...  *droolz*  Was met up at The Glenwood by perro, street22, whythedragon, allhailkush and bramblewolf who was passing through town on his way out west...  Drinks were had, then we headed off to Leona's for dinner.  Food was good, company was awesome, still getting to bed at a reasonable hour was AWESOME.  (But not without first getting that final call of the night with Ryan...  It's funny, but even though we spent the entire summer together, I kinda missed our regular phonecalls.  I wouldn't trade them for seeing him every day, but in a funny way, I missed the ritual.

Monday - Slept too late, never got nail polish remover so I had to borrow some from a co-worker as my cousin Andrea decided to paint my middle finger nail hot-pink at the party...
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