Now... I'm not a fan of religion... I feel that it holds people back from personal acceptance and finding themselves.. But that's another thought for another day... Because, while I do not care for religion itself, I fully support complete separation of church and state. (However, I do support taxing Church income
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I believe that one can "Find themself" within the confines of religion... However, it is more often a form of outward-control than a means to inner-peace.
I also find the quote you mentioned to be so sad, and the entire point of this post is that these are symbols of respect and self-empowerment which are being taken away from these women.
I apologize if you felt that my fears were "unfounded" but I cannot help but think that they were simply mis-interpreted. If I were a Muslim woman and was legally prohibited from showing respect for Allah, myself, my husband and my family... I would choose to stay at home, rather than expose my face to the world and risk leading men astray from the one true path which my religion dictated. In addition, you cannot deny that there are some evil men in the world, including within your faith who would do the very thing I mentioned. And my greatest fear stands, that this will make Muslim women into second-class citizens and only worsen the state of affairs within France.
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