Considering how busy I've been as of late... Between work, and school and the store... There just hasn't been any real free-time, any real... "just me" time... So I set out to change that this weekend!
Friday - I decided to skip out on class and head to the store. It was release weekend for Worldwake, the latest set of Magic: The Gathering and we were happy to be dealing out the cardboard crack to all of our gamer addicts! It was a booster draft, decent turnout and I decided that it was time to start upping the prize payouts. It used to be that we were the only store and people came back because we bought pizza and had fun and... I mean, it was just the place to be! Now, however... There's competition. A few more stores have started doing tournaments and ultimately a good thing as it encourages more people to play and, to be honest, we had run out of space! However, we don't want to lose EVERYONE. So we've been trying new deals and promotions and are looking for the right balance.
evil_spork needed to work early, so he asked to spend the night and
konrankemono was otherwise bored so he showed up too... We stayed a bit late, getting stuff done at the store and then headed home to hang out... But everyone ended up just passing out.
Saturday - Started early enough, SpORK headed off to work and I cooked up breakfast for Konran and
mjollnirr which... Well, by "breakfast" I mean I microwaved stuff. But it was filling, so I was happy. Need to figure out this whole... "Making Hasbrowns" thing. It's really far too complex. Konran headed home as I headed to the store. We had a great turnout for the release... And the only real hitch was a conflict of who wanted to play what. The "proper" format, versus a modified release-weekend only format. Luckily, everyone was split right down the middle and we had to have two pods of players, so everyone played what they wanted and went home, happy! (Hopefully!) After the game, I was in no rush to kick everyone out. It used to be that we'd let everyone play until they were done, but life got in the way of that. However, I'd like to start giving them more time to finish up on their own time, so that nobody feels rushed. We'll see how it goes. After closing up, I ran home to cook up dinner for Fen, after which
kojakwolf showed up with
bluewolfy4 who happened to be in town for the weekend. Did you know that Youtube now has, like, REAL, HD 1080p Videos?!? I was shocked and QUITE excited! They headed home and I hit the bed early, planning a big day of getting stuff done!
Sunday - Woke up, checked email... Got a notice that my bank account was SERIOUSLY negative. I freaked out, signed in... Nothing. I figured it had to be the store's, and ran there to check... Nothing. But Shawn wanted to run some errands, so we hit up Target and it dawned on me that it could have been the condo association checking account and... I'll have to deal with that today. Headed home and time slipt away from me, before I had to run back to the store and cover for a bit, while they went to deal with some CostCo membership stuff. They got back after the Superbowl started and... I honestly couldn't bring myself to care this year. Neither team was important to me and the commercials, *shrugs*. Instead,
metroactual swung by with
skroy and
ravidwolf so that we could hit up Leona's for dinner, followed by TV-Card install for my Media PC... It didn't go smoothly and Metro had to bring it back home with him. After which Fen went to work... And I had an entire HOUR and a HALF, of me-time. I curled up on the Chaise with some hot chocolate and
Dune, which I've owned for some time, but never actually read! (I've been working on it for a few weeks, reading a few pages every chance I get.) I actually... SAT DOWN AND RELAXED!!! After which, I called Ryan to wish him good night, slipped under my fresh, ridiculously soft and perfectly cool sheets and passed out. Then of course woke up a few hours later, in much pain from the hot MILK chocolate, and spent the rest of the evenign sleeping quite restlessly... But REGARDLESS, I had that me-time... So I'm ready to go!
Monday - DEADLINES, followed by school, followed by Metro's, to hopefully grab my computer, then back to the store to grab a package which needs to be dropped off at a customer's building, before heading home and passing out... followed by wash-rinse-repeat!