May 06, 2009 09:10
So... Last night I got back from the gym to find somoene's car I didn't recognize, parked in my space. I have a tandem space, basically one parking space, two cars deep. And I have a neighbor who pays me rent for the front of that space, we have each other's cars and move them when need-be. So, I called my neighbor to verify it wasn't his and was left with two choices... A. Park behind this car, blocking them in for the night. Which would inconvenience them and my neighbor when they came home and found themselves without a space. or B. Call the towing company and have the car removed. Now... I own this space. I pay a mortgage on it, I pay property taxes, I maintain it... It's mine and this other car was trespassing on my property. Property I bought because... The alternative is circling my block for half and hour or more eveyr time I come home, searching for street parking... If you found someone had parked on your lawn, wouldn't you have them towed?
While trying to decide... I spotted a space on the street, ran back and grabbed my car and parked there... I left a very nice note on the car explaining that it was a privately owned space and to please be aware of the signs indicating such in the future so that they didn't find themselves towed by someone else...
Fast forward to this morning, I decided to walk in back and check on their car... Another neighbor was coming out and I offered to take her bag of garbage out back for her since it was out of her way... Dropped it off, the car was gone, all was chipper and it was a beautiful morning... Until I found that someone had hit my car in the middle of the night and drove off without leaving a note. Not hit the bumper... It had to be an SUV and it hit the trunk, crushing steel...
And I can't even be angry because... *shrugs* It happens. Price I pay for living in the city. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my car and I'm sad that it's been damaged... But what am I going to do about it, eh? All I can do is learn from my mistakes and next time? Anyone who parks in my space, gets towed.