Mar 10, 2009 08:45
First off... Let me clarify yesterday's post, because... well... I caught a lot of flack for it. Ever since MFF, I've been hearing a lot of people mention that due to economic reasons, they were backing out of larger cons this year. A few weeks ago, a friend of mine made an offhanded comment about attending a particular convention and I expressed surprise that he was a going as it seemed that everyone else I had spoken to recently was backing out of that particular con. He was deeply offended by my surprise, by the idea that I would so much as question the all-powerful nature of this convention...
This friend has since dropped me from his friends list because of yesterday's poll... He said it was less, "just curious" and more "trying to make it happen"... He considered the entire line of questioning to be... "overtly hostile."
Overtly Hostile... Naw, I get it... It's wrong to ask people what their intentions are... because somehow? The great and powerfully Woody Chitwin has the ability to make furries far and wide cancel their plans to attend the very conventions I've dedicated myself to helping make happen, by asking a simple question. By bringing light to what everyone is already talking about... I have personally attacked the conventions.
What is wrong... Is to blindly accept that those in the furry community are unaffected by the economy and will attend a convention regardless of financial responsibility... To do so, to assume that we are untouchable... is to ensure our own downfall. I am not trying to ring the alarm of doom-and-gloom... I am trying to sound the call-to-arms!
Poll Value for your dollar...