Tuesday - After work I headed to the cell phone store and returned my Blackberry Pearl... And after some playing around with the connectors on my current phone, I've gotten it to charge on my office charger, charge half the time on my car charger, and well, it still doesn't charge at all on my home charger... but, I can keep using it a bit longer at least. I looked at all of the other phones and I really wasn't happy with any of them. Although, the LG phone with slide-out keyboard seems like looking more into.
After rushing home to walk Gavin, I headed to the 'burbs to hit up IKEA and the sub-urban LAFF Coffee meet at
zooberpossum's insistance. IKEA was good, except that they stopped carrying the thing I needed and I had to spend 5x as much to replace it with something that I think looks cheaper. And coffee was all that I expected it to be. *grinz* After heading back to civilization I swung by the store for a bit to unload my newly purchased crap and then home.
Wednesday - All went well, got to work on time, had a decent work load ahead of me, but wasn't swamped... Then Shawn called. He was sick and couldn't cover the store and wanted to know if I could... Fuck. As far as timing goes, it wasn't a bad day for it. I worked for 2 hours then left for the day, found the UPS guy and proceeded to have a VERY long, VERY busy day at the store.
explorer_fam came by to share dinner with me and make use of my couch and
chord stopped by to hang at the store for a while. After closing up, Myles and I ate some ice cream, watched one show on TV and then immediately passed out.
Thursday - Gavin woke me up far too early... And I thought to myself, "OH! I can go to work early!" So I started drawing a bath, laid down for a moment and then realized that half an hour had passed and my bath was spreading out across the floor. ALWAYS a fun way to start the day!
On a pseudo-random side-note... My favorite ex-roommate, Silver Fenrir, aka
wolf_ygdrassil is most likely moving back to Chicago in June!