There will be a weekend-post later on... In the meantime, I think Perro summed it up nicely
here and
here. Words fail to describe the awesomeness. Pictures, thankfully, do a nice job of it! (Sorry
hyperx! I don't know why you can't see them overseas... *HUGZ*)
On a side-note... I slept 12 hours last night... And have a 0% BAC for the first time since Friday afternoon. W00T!!!
By tomorrow, we'll all know if we should be thanking, or cursing,
bullethc for coming across this flyer...
Regardless, the organizers seem like kewl people and this is something they do weekly. (If not with this theme) So I've heard amazing things about the events and the DJs who'll be there. And with only minor guidance on my part, they've even gone to the effort of putting aside a headless lounge with fans for cooling off! So, I think it's going to be a BLAST! And hell, even if it sucks, those of you reading this who I know will be there, will make it kick-ass anyway!
And if that's not exciting enough to make you puke anyway... I'm actually borrowing and will be showing up... In fursuit. (Which, actually, took some serious internal justification because I'm opposed to wearing someone else's fur and always told myself my "first time" would be in my own suit... But it's Halloween, so I can deal with "dressing up as someone else".)