Currently: December 2017

Dec 31, 2017 20:11

GUYS. We made it to the end of 2017 without imploding! Well maybe we did but we're still standing so that's something. Without a doubt, this month was busy and fun and everything in between!

Clearly, I am rushing December entries for the end of the year and probably won't be able to do my last one but here's to trying anyway. I think 2017 was minimal effort, maximal forgiveness for myself. And hey, I'm still here, somehow.


I started the month by "running" my first 21K. I barely made it but I did. We also moved to our new office and it's so strange to have officemates again and a desk to go to every day. I also went to Ho Chi Minh for Sayaka's birthday a week late but it was so nice to see her and Chris and Rokas!

I finally met up with Malini again after breaking her heart for a year of ghosting (unintentionally) and vowed to be a better friend! The parents descended on Singapore and it was non-stop eating for 12 days! My introverted self had to be suppressed for ultra socialisation. I love the parents so it was nice but tiring but nice.

Ending the year with a trip back to Yangon with Ami. This time for non-work (even if there was some work somehow). Who knew Yangon had so much to offer? It was nice to see it from a different lens.

Loving: the holidays. As tiring and crazy and just maddeningly non-stop as it is, it's always lovely to get together with the family this time of year. More than the gifts and excessive eating, it was just nice to be together -- whether playing games (I'm never a fan) or just chilling, it was love.

Reading: In my quest to catch up with all my magazines, I did a speed read of the four weeks worth of Entertainment Weekly December issues and am super excited for the 2018 preview of entertainment.  Not that I'll get to watch of all of them as this year was a perfect example of how horrible I was but they should be fun!

Watching: The Crown is back! I'll admit I'm not fully caught up as I failed at everything this year but it was a great start and I can't wait to finish the entire season and then wait longingly for the next one. I can't believe this is Claire and Matt's last season.

Listening to: My sibling's end of the year favourites list. As a yearly tradition, my brother Lex asks us to rank our favorite albums released this year and then my sister Pamy puts it all together into a playlist and if we're together on NYE, we try to let the elders guess who's song is which. It's fun. And silly. Just like we are.

Working On: My year ender list. I didn't read much this year or watch too many TV shows or movies so I'm not sure what'll be in that list but you know me, I'm going to have to have some sort of list so we'll see what we can put on it. I hope I can put it out within the first week of 2018 because I'm being realistic now.

Anticipating: 2018! I just don't know how the next year could top this one but I know it'll try. I'me excited and hopeful for it as always. I hope everyone's new years brings you all your hearts desires. Thanks for hanging in here with me this year.

currently, 2017 recap

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