I know I say it every month, but this month was CRAZY. Like really crazy. Between work stress and long weekends and brothers coming over and friends, it was pretty emotional exhausting. There were LOTS of ups and downs and it felt very very rollercoaster-ish a lot of the time.
But in hindsight, as always, I try to remember the good and thus the title of this entry. It's the best of the month. I went through days for sure where I just wanted to pack my bags and go home. I was literally looking at flights, but I didn't because a) it was too expensive and b) I can't give up this easily.
And so let's look back on August. Wow, I'm glad you're over.
My sister and I used to meet in the middle of the week just to catch up and lately it's been far and few in between. But it's alright because we got to meet up and discover a new place in between our faces. Technically not a new place but a renovated old place.
At work, one of my colleagues from Indonesia came over to visit her boyfriend for the long weekend and we had a lunch out with the team. Indira is such a sweet girl and it's too bad she's leaving the company but it was nice to meet her and hang out for a bit after numerous Skype messages and What's app-ing.
Of course the main event of August was the long weekend for #SG50 also known as Singapore's Jubilee celebrations and it was so nice to have my brother, Pio fly over (along with his girlfriend, Janina and her mom!). We hung out the entire 3 days and though it was hella tiring, it was worth it.
Pio will be leaving for the US soon and who knows how long till I see him again? Plus, my other brother, Lex was able to join us along with his girlfriend Ashna. It's so rare to see Lex because he's literally working 24/7 so it was nice to all hang out for a bit.
There were so many people at the SG50 firework display but it was quite worth it to be there with everyone. Plus we played tourist, going to the Gardens by the bay and the aquarium and doing things I don't normally do on the weekend. Come Monday though. I was glad to say goodbye for bit and take a nap.
Another fun thing that happened was SG Night fest which is basically all the museum opening up for free for two weekends. My sister took me along and though at first unwillingly, it was really nice to be a tourist again. I haven't been to most of the museums and they have pretty awesome ones here. Plus, I met a common friend whom I met online! So it was nice to see Diana in person, finally.
Another surprise was a visit, even just overnight from ex-officemates from Manila. Brei and Junn were in town to receive awards for their work back home and we had drinks after their awards. Who cares that it was almost midnight on a work night! (gasp!) but it was nice to catch up for a bit. I did spend four years with these folks.
The company I work for usually holds a beer night every last Friday of the month and this time, my department organised a laser tag activity for afterwards. Beer + laser tag is essentially a mess but in the best way. I wasn't quite feeling it because I was totally PMS-ing but it was fun to hang out after work and just not go back to my laptop for a bit. So even if I ranked last, it was a nice time.