others just read of[43 Down/9 To Go!][+] So Sales Con (the big presentation I've been so worried about) is finally over and done with and though there's still lots of work where that came from, at least on that end, we're done and it was a success and I got sick after but generally A+ all around. I'm so relieved. Now onto the actual work we left behind thanks to this.
[+] I totally cherish these long weekends we get just because they're so few and far between so this weekend + the two days free we get off next week were definitely well spent. I swear government, you ought to give us way more of this. I get we cherish them more cause there are so little of them, but please feel free to give us more.
[+] The obvious highlight of the week, other than the long weekend (and getting over the dreaded Sales Con) was of course, Mr. Jason Mraz live in Manila. I feel so lucky to have still gotten awesome seats (row G!) so close to the concert and the concert itself was just too much amazing. Beat that, long weekend.
I've been having my mini anxiety attacks and I'm hoping this gym-ing will ease it off. I guess the upcoming sales con is really getting to me. And I don't even have much to do -- other than present and facilitate and host -- yeah no big deal. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN PEOPLE THINK YOU'RE THE LOUD GIRL!!!! I'm horribly shy in front of crowds -- I know it doesn't show but it's TRUE and the president of the company will be there, not to mention the boss. Okay, panic go away.
And though I'm a little more caught up on stuff, I'm still behind on LJ/TV. I really feel like I either need to a) cut down on TV shows or b) cut down on TV shows to recap. I know I could just do B easily but you know how anal I am about everything and feel the need to document every single part of my life. Okay, enough of that.
I don't know how we manage to make it to just one more day before Sales Con but somehow it's upon us. It's crazy cause we've been preparing for weeks and right now, it all just feels like on ebig calm before the storm. That is, if we're even supposed to be feeling this way. Why are we not pulling each other's hair out?
Night before the big day and the coffee Risa and I got on the way home was probably not the best decision, I couldn't sleep. But at least we got home at a decent hour and were able to relax a bit with some Vampire Diaries. I just really want this week to end.
The day of reckoning. A year ago, I was helping out at the sales con and now, I'm presenting at it and hosting it and just really pulling weight with it and it makes me feel happy we made it through the day but also just really relieved it's over. The bosses seemed happy and we were just glad it's over.
At the gym, I was surprised I had enough energy to make it there, I did yoga for the first time ever and I really really liked it. Looks like I'll try my best to make more time for this just because it felt really good to do that after a long day at work.
I guess the high of the day before finally came crashing down and all the adrenaline went away that I couldn't bring myself to get up this morning. So this is usually the case in the mornings but I really couldn't stand up so i called in sick. Sure, I still had to handle some things from home but at least I got to nap way more.
Napping and basically not doing anything was in order and it felt good to take a day off. Lately, I notice I've been taking them more often and I hope this isn't a regular thing just because I like being present at work -- lest I have to make up for days off or anything.
Back to work on a Friday and though there were some mini-flames to put out, nothing could stop me from being totally lazy on a Friday before the long weekend. I tried my best to be productive but we all know that was a tall order. So I'm glad I at least got a semblance of work done before heading out for the weekend.
I ended up meeting my parents and little sister at the mall -- supposedly to watch a movie, but the movies we wanted had either started already or weren't showing anymore so we just had dessert and headed home. I'm glad we were able to go out though to start the long weekend.
Thanks to the unfulfilled movie-watching the night before, my dad's quota for going out has yet to be fulfilled so we head to Rockwell to have lunch and just go around. I really wanted to watch In Time but we ended up just walking around which is fine by me too. I won't be choosy.
I spent my evening having dinner with Lee who I was supposed to meet up with the night before but ended up cancelling on me. We just chilled at her house, had dinner and caught What's Your Number and generally just relaxed. I love hanging out with lee (I've known her since we were four, so obviously there's no awkwardness there. I wish we could hang out even more.
My little sister took her 2nd to the last (?) entrance test for college and though it was pretty difficult going there (traffic was horrible despite leaving early), we ended up killing time at the grocery. I'm not the biggest grocery fan, but I was surprised to get some Christmas shopping done. I'm never early -- always procrastinating it, so I'm happy I got that out of the way.
The evening was capped off with the most awesome concert experience though -- and my first for 2011 (how embarrassing). Jason Mraz was amazing. I love how i managed to buy tickets despite the lateness and though traffic was a bitch and parking was even more horrible (I HATE LINE CUTTERS), the concert itself made up for it and I can't wait till he comes back (HE BETTER) because it was a night of 20+ awesome performances. Love love love.