BBC]This the first Christmas that I looked forward to a Doctor Who special and I kind of wish I had all those years back. Still, Eleven, Amy and Rory bring it for me this year and I really enjoyed their Doctor-Who-ified take on the Christmas Carol. Throw in some Dumbledore Michael Gambon and we're all set to go on a crazy ride amidst the most colorful set of the Doctor Who universe we all love so much.
Doctor Who Christmas Special: A Christmas Carol
I wanted to start off by saying how brilliantly Michael Gambon took on their version of Scrooge. He was bitter and angry and just totally right on key. It's amazing how they weaved in the Doctor's time traveling abilities too. It's perfect for the Christmas Carol and I love how we get to see how history is changed thanks to the time traveling.
Little!Kazran is so cute with the Doctor doing all the time traveling. I like how Eleven gained this little boy's trust with getting the fish (a giant one at that) and how we discover the start of his relationship with Abigail. And though it does seem weird that she'll fall for Kazran soon-ish, you could see how they'd bond and spend time together, every Christmas eve. It was cute how they'd do so many wonderful things every year.
Of course, we get the love story and teenage!Kazran is pretty cute. I love that we see Eleven sort of marry Marilyn Monroe (boy can don the white jacket really well) and it's sad that we'll have to see Kazran and Abigail separated. But in the Doctor-Who-universe, everything can be fixed by a little quick thinking and lots of cuteness.
And so we see Amy take on Present!Kazran and try to show him what he'll be doing if he doesn't save the ship. I love how they employ canon things like holograms to show things and yet still keep it within the DW universe. I did get a little teary eyed when they showed little!Kazran hiw future self. That was a nifty trick and well, Steven Moffat, you got me there.
All in all an amazing episode and it goes without saying, I loved the small Amy/Rory moments we got (hello honeymoon suite! and costumes at that). I swear I'm so excited to see the new series. It cannot come soon enough. Definitely a great way to spend the holidays.