14 and CountingPhotos taken by
meThere are 222 days left 'til I graduate from college and this week was another 7 days less to that number. I was a little more game to go to school this week, although it's still a chore to wake up in the morning (I wonder when it'll ever stop being so hard). Still, this was another week of ups and downs.
I've got three-ish more weeks 'til the semestral break, but it literally feels like forever. Thank goodness for the fall tv season, or the days would go by much much slower.
Ana somehow managed to convince me to act for her film project and I, for some reason, agreed. I saw the rough cut and well, good luck Ana. The rest of the film was great, except I couldn't get myself to watch myself 'act' on screen. Painful, I tell you. I'm sorry Ana!!! I'm terrible!!!
It's no secret how we're afraid of our boss at Max. It's not that he isn't nice, in fact, he's been really nice to us, but we feel like we're constantly going to mess up in front of him. That's why Anna and I were particularly on our toes when we sat in at MaxVille High on Tuesday. Our boss was boarding and we were there to read news and shiz and it wasn't soooo bad, but we were so nervous the entire time. We survived though!!!
I'm always so nervous for Wednesdays and this week we had a big project on that day. I don't really have corporate looking clothes, but I needed to look good, so I ended up in black. The project didn't turn out sooo bad. In fact, I'm really happy with how my group was able to acquire a lot of the TV shows we had wanted. Still, the work is far from done. And I just want this class to wrap up.
In the afternoon, Anna and I headed back to Max and because there was a meeting during the show, we were left in the booth to fend for ourselves. No, we didn't have to board (thank goodness), but we did have to call Bryan when the songs he cued would run out. That station is such a happy place. I don't mind driving all the way there at all.
Thursdays are great days because we get free food for BC 196 and that day we had tapsilog from Rodics. I don't think I've ever had tapsilog from Rodics so it was nice to eat the staple UP food. We also learned how to evacuate a room whilst being blindfolded. I should really consider getting a smoke alarm for our house. Our professor keeps telling us to get one, but I keep forgetting.
We weren't supposed to have class Friday morning, but because of the SET (student evaluation of teacher) we had to show up. I can't believe it's that time of the semester already, when we fill out those forms. This only cements the fact that the sem is almost over. Just almost.
During our Comm 110 class, I get a text from Ate Arlene from Max asking if Anna and I could sit in with Lorraine cause she was going to be alone for the Early Returns Countdown! This freaked me out and excited me at the same time, because I'd been listening to ER since I was a kid and just to sit in there would be crazy.
Anna and I rushed to the station after class and ate an early dinner (yummy sisig plus free milk tea). Before we went on air though, we talked to Johnny Z a bit who was visiting again! This guy is the sweetest ever and it's so much fun when he's in the station. I wish he'd return for good, because then it would be like summer all over again!!! Wishful thinking, I know.
Going on ER (6-9 pm) was fun but we were so not ready for it. Anna and I made a ton of mistakes and I was super nervous. I kept talking off-mic and was unaware that the mic was open so I'd still be talking! Total mess up. But Lorraine was so nice about it. We hope to make up for it some day.
After the show, we headed to a Max event at Off the Grill on Timog and ate dinner. I wasn't really able to eat much, because I was tired and so embarrassed by our boo boos during the show. Still, everyone was really nice to us, so I guess it wasn't that bad.
I had to wake up early on Saturday because it was going to be our graduation picture shoot already. We were supposed to have it a week later but because there was a free slot, our gradcomm friends said we should go have it earlier. I had my eyebrows threaded and waited for Anna to pick me up at home.
The make up they put on was crazy thick and I wasn't so happy with my hair, or my smile or the picture, but I guess I can't really do anything anymore. I'm having my creative shot this week, and since I'm not really into posing, I'm still dumbfounded as to what the hell I'm going to do. I hate having my picture taken!!!
We rushed back to Max to interview two bands this week (Valen and Goodbye Tracy) and they were really really nice. It was almost automatic writing the articles because they had so many soundbites to structure a piece with. And because my dad said he'd pick me up, I ended up falling asleep on the beanbag til 8:30 pm!!! That beanbag is a good place to sleep after all.
I spent the ENTIRE Sunday waking up and falling back asleep. Oh well. That's who rest days are supposed to be spent anyways, right? I wish time would fly by faster during school days. I want to graduate from the stress but not from my friends. Why can't it just be one or the other?
I tried to do handstands for you, but everytime I'd fall for you