I'm no athlete. I think I've established that a long time ago.
That's why today's Part 2 of my PE: Running for Freaking Fitness Finals was a HUGE deal for me. We had to run around "5K" but I don't believe that it was just 5 kilometers. That death run could not have been just 5K.
From Quezon Hall, We go up the west side of the academic oval all the way to Economics, then turn left at Law and left again. There they give you a Grey string. Down the outer academic oval, passing Statistics, the Bahay ng Alumni, the back of Music all the way till the Gym, where they give you a Red string. Before reaching the checkpoint, there's a "water station" where I downed water in one gulp. I crossed the University Avenue and up to MBB where we turn left and go towards NISMED, where they give us a Green string. Then we go towards Kamia, the back of AS, all the way to UP-IS and to HE, then turn left at Narra and left at Education where they give you a Yellow string then you run down the east side of the Academic oval and finally turn right back to Quezon hall.
Thing is, my entire class knows I'm slow. I know I'm slow. I was already making friends with the sweeper in charge of women's running because I knew I would be her the entire time. But surprisingly, after the first station, I was running at a regular pace, and she told me to just keep it up and not to stop. Wait. No Stopping? She must be crazy.
Before I knew it, I left the sweeper behind, though not too far behind and started running all the way. I didn't stop. I didn't stop. I didn't stop. It's still not sinking in that I didn't stop. I gave myself 42 minutes to finish, because the 43rd minute would mean a grade of 3.0. That would mean around 8 minutes to get to each station. I just wanted to finish.
I was praying the rosary (seriously) the entire time. I actually finished 4 decades. I was praying that I wouldn't collapse and that I would finish with a better time than my last dismal score. Another thing that kept me going was thinking of
Gerry Butler and his training for the movie 300. If he could train 6 hours a day, I could do that too. As if. And I'm sure with that kind of training, Gerry wouldn't want some weakling chick, but a chick who can run a 5K and NOT come in last. He'd want a fit girl (like me, right?). But really, what kept me going was knowing that
Boom would have wanted to run, if she wasn't injured. That girl is an IronWoman!
By the last station, I knew I couldn't stop. It would be stupid to stop when I was so near." so Despite the piercing pain in my legs (which were hurting like I had knives stabbed in each one of them), I ran to the finish line, still at that same pace. I came in third to the last in my class. But I'm so proud of myself.
More photos here
Congratulations to my classmates who finished first. I think Maam AJ's killer training has made us all better/fitter runners. I'm very far from joining the track team, although they wouldn't really want me there. But congratulations to everyone who finished. Just crossing the finish line is a victory for me already.