Jul 23, 2012 19:41
Here comes my annual announcement...
Please remember that I have a mild but real case of face blindness (ask me for details sometime if you're curious). It's very hard for me to recognize people by face alone -- I generally "get" people mostly by context and by voice, overall demeanor, hair, and clothes. In huge crowd situations like Pennsic, that's really tricky!
If you see me and I don't seem to be acknowledging you, *please* come poke me and say hi! I like people, and odds are good that I like you and want to talk to you. I *never* deliberately blow people off (although it is unfortunately true that often I'm overbooked or running late and thus in a hurry) -- if it seems like I'm ignoring you in public, I can almost guarantee it's because my stupid brain has failed to process your facial features.
This is especially likely if you're someone I've only met in person once or twice or are someone I see infrequently, like, say, once a year at Pennsic. I'm not blowing you off, honestly! Stop me and say hello... and maybe give me a little hint about where I know you from. :)
(Oh, and by the way -- we're camping in Bhakail's traditional homeland, N-11. Visitors, especially musicians, always welcome. *grin*)
face blindness,