Still quotatious

Jul 14, 2011 01:01

I'm stealing a page from Tadcaster's book (also the Walburgian book, I guess *grin*). Not sure where it would be best to keep this permanently, but here's a good start for the generic baronial quote page! Please feel free to contribute in the comments... :)

Quyn: "This is why I'm not good at threesomes -- I get too distracted."

Lianor: "You should bend over."
Quyn: "I know this trick!"

Suba: [squeezes Jibril's thighs experimentally] "I want some!!!"

Suba: "See, now it's nice and tight!"
Mael Eoin: "That's, very actually, what she said!"

"Oh, you're Scheherazade's wife!" - unknown SCAdian to Fish

Mael Eoin: "Maelrubhaducky is my new nickname, I think."


Mael Eoin: "My tune, let me put it in your ear."

Lillia: "What's an odd Belgian?"

Ysmay: "My ability to make things sticky is legendary."

wuaahhh bhakail!, quotes

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