RAUSCHPFEIFE! I'm gonna have a rauschpfeife!
Practices have been going very well, but I've decided I shouldn't just play soprano crumhorn all the time -- firstly, you guys know how bored I get when I can't make a sound crew insane by switching instruments eight times in a set *grin*, secondly we need a little more tonal variation anyway, and last but not least, hoo boy does that crumhorn wear my embouchure out fast. Hmmmm. It occurs to me that I might have forgotten to post about playing the crumhorn all the time, but that's been the case; I certainly can't play recorder with bagpipes until we get the microphone/amp setup dealt with, and my shawm actually doesn't sound good tone-wise with J's pipes even when I can get the damn thing in tune. So, yes, the next time you see me in concert there will be significant stretches of my bug-eyed, red-faced crumhorn playing. :)
The rauschpfeife will likely kill my lips too, but hopefully in a different enough way that I can tough it out through the agony. :) (This is a wind-machismo compensatory thing: Stringy people get to say "I played 'til my FINGERS BLED!," wind people have to settle for blown-out lips, which is regrettably mockable compared to bloody fingertips.)
... and I almost forgot: THANK YOU,