Dec 10, 2009 00:34
Holding a damp washcloth that had been resting on the edge of the tub: "Dis towel cold and... and... SQUISHY on my hand!"
Standing on stage at Yule, yelling into crowd: "Where my boy Billy? Where my boy Billy?"
Me in the car this morning: "That's right, we're driving to Grandmom's! [after 10 days of Grandmom & Pop-pop having been away on vacation]. Do you think Grandmom will come meet us at the door?"
Sprout: "Noooooo, she far 'way on beach in Flor'da."
The L.C. goofs around while she gets increasingly indignant: "Look, Daddy put on my mantle! No wear my mantle, Daddy!"
"Millisent turn into dragon. Big giant dragon. RRRROOOOOAAARRRR! She fire. Sword!"
talking up a storm,