I think I might need a rauschpfeiffe

Aug 12, 2009 23:36

My brainpower and free time are sufficiently limited that my Pennsic wrapup is going to be random chunks of stuff again this year. Mmmmm, Pennsic chunks. :)

Music! Let's talk about music!

I didn't play any myself until just about the end of my stay, when I met cantigajoy by way of turnberryknkn's LJ. She is indeed an absolute joy, and she has awesome buzzy instruments (plus awesome stringy instruments too!). We only got to do a brief session of instrumental petting zoo and mutual squee-fest due to time constraints, but I'm really, really hoping to get to play actual music with her some time soon. Stupid geographical inconvenience...

Then tashadandelion introduced me to another amazing out-of-kingdom musician, gottasing, who came to visit me in camp and magically lured shalmestere along with her. We did a little bit by way of nice pretty polyphonic recorder and flute stuff, and then we played monophonic medieval SOPRANO CRUMHORN / TENOR CRUMHORN / HURDY GURDY TRIO. AHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!

Read that again. Can you feel the unholy, cackling-like-hyenas glee? It was BRILLIANT. Apparently people were popping their heads up all over camp, with variations on the theme "Uh... what exactly is happening over there? They're playing what?!?"


Did I mention stupid geographical inconvenience?

Also, Master A has apparently managed to hook my poor innocent wee babe on bagpipes. Seriously. When she realized in the car on the way home that we were really leaving Pennsic, she started crying; the first thing out of her mouth in between the incoherent wailing was "Daddy Daddy Daddy!" I assured her that Daddy was right behind us and we would see him soon. The second thing out of her mouth was "Kids!!!" (well, it went more like "Waaaaaahhhhhhh! Kids! Waaahhhhh!" but you know what I mean). I said, "I know, I know, but I promise we'll see them again soon too." The third thing: "WAAAAHHHHHHHH! BAGPIPES!"

Seriously, baby? Yep. I dug out one of my Wolgemut CDs (I foolishly failed to buy a Teribus disc while we were there, but need to fix that ASAP) and now that's ALL SHE WANTS TO HEAR ALL THE TIME EVER. Sunday night on the way back from gaming, poor redshinma spent half the car ride holding his iPhone behind his head so she could watch Teribus clips on YouTube.

She's even astonishingly discerning about the instrumentation of the tracks; at one point she was fussing and hollering and I said, "But we're already *listening* to bagpipes, what more do you want from me?!?"... only to realize that I wasn't paying close enough attention and it was actually shawms on that particular piece. Apparently shawms are not acceptable. It has to be bagpipes and drums or she isn't having any of it.

Worst of all? Yesterday she said, "Bagpipes... in mouf? In mouf?"

SHE WANTS TO PLAY BAGPIPES. I am so going to smack Master A the next time I see him. Stupid geographical inconvenience... or maybe not, in this case.

instruments, sca, crazy baby, pennsic, music

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