Not quite what I had planned

Jul 13, 2008 01:02

The good news: The Ladies' Champion is getting lots of important things done for Pennsic, like working on the camp shower and assembling the cart (i.e., stroller + crib replacement) for Mina.

The bad news: He'd forgotten that all of those important things involve power tools, which as a rule are not conducive to baby-watching, which is what he originally told me he would do all day Saturday.

I was hoping everything would be wrapped up by tonight so at least I could join people for the Sunday portion of the great LBC NY adventure, but such is not the case.

*sigh* I can't really complain, since I'd be the first to whine myself blue in the face if we didn't get all the Pennsic stuff handled and time is running out in dramatic fashion... but still. Bleh. Apologies (yet again) to the LBCers.

On the up side, at least I got to see ianraven, klynn330, ubiq31, and a number of fun non-LJers in between their laboring mightily on projects and my entertaining the sprout. Actually, I guess there was a lot of up side involved -- an unexpected day or two of just getting to play and snuggle with the baby isn't exactly torture. Maybe tomorrow we'll go hang out at the playground...
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