Non-sleeping baby = insanely effective torture device. Seriously, I think I might actually prefer waterboarding at this point. Enough said...
There is light at the end of the tunnel, although it comes via unhappy news; the sprout's weight is now officially dramatically close to the bottom of the chart and my milk supply continues to be insufficient even for maintenance, so we're going to have to start supplementing with a safe formula. The pediatrician is almost positive that once the poor babe starts getting the calories she needs, she'll sleep a lot better. *sigh* In the meantime we're stuffing her as full as we can of things like
Earth's Best's prunes and oatmeal (boy, does she love that stuff! we could probably just put a funnel in her mouth and pour it in...) and their sweet potato/chicken combo. We also tried a little goat milk yoghurt, but she threw up shortly thereafter -- I'm calling the experiment inconclusive, because the banana she ate right after the yoghurt was in bigger chunks than she likes and anything solid on her tongue often produces unhappy results. We'll try again tonight.
The Ladies' Champion has been incredible of late, though -- there was a moment around 5am the other day when I just completely lost it and he took over without a word of complaint despite facing a two-hour commute to a long day of meetings and trainings. Also, he came home with surprise Cirque du Soleil tickets, because we deserve them. :) Cirque tomorrow night, yay!
In other happy news, I need to BPAL-squee for just a second here: I SCORED A WHOLE BOTTLE OF SCHWARZER MOND! All for me! Woooooo! Of course, I have to make a Lab order for the new Gaiman I promised in trade for it, but the swapper knows and understands the potential delay. Swapping is good -- I should try doing it with stuff I actually already own more often. :) Moving on to the related BPTP squee, eeeeeee Phoenix Steamworks and Dragon Moon babydoll shirts! Those were part of my Mother's Day present from the L.C., and they're *gorgeous*. Plus they came with a note from Puddin, featuring a drawing of the Papow doggie! I'm so ridiculously pleased with and proud of my note that it's prominently displayed on the fridge. :) (In case you needed still more evidence that the L.C. rocks -- has he so much as cast a disapproving glance at the recent dramatic influx of BPAL? No, he has not. So awesome.)