Arriving home: a recollection of my journey south OR "Caxton: You Give Love A Band Name!"

Mar 13, 2006 16:33

Returned (in most parts) to the land of the living in New South Wales. I must say that i am a little bit in love with Melbourne (as much love as can be formed in 5 days). Maybe i am not in love with the place but in love with travelling with good friends, hanging out with new and exciting people and playing music. I guess i am also in love with Lord of the Fries and the Chapel street Bizarre.

I am excited because i saw someone make a 7" right in front of my eyes. I am excited because i got to know the other 8 members of Caxton (full time and auxillary) each a little bit better. I loved having more members than any other band at Forrest Edge and trying to get all 9 of us in photos. I loved taking photos on the highway, setting up my camera on timer and running. I'm sad i don't have the photos in my hands now. I'm pretty excited that we met a boy who liked Catapult 3 years ago when he was 12 and now as a 15 year old likes Caxton, and i'm excited that we nicknamed him Lil Saint in honour of You got Served. I hated talking to boys in a ska/punk band (who looked like emos) and asking them if they loved Fugazi and them saying that they did not know them, and when i said they were the most important punk band in the 90s they said "where do they rate in comparison with MxPx?". I love the fact that Dave Mackie was sharing a cabin with them and said he would have to pretend to be asleep so he didn't have to tell them what he thought of their band.

I am nonetheless excited to be home. I am amazed that 24 hours ago we were not even on the Hume Highway yet. I'm terrified of the memory of Kerryn/Al/Kelly booty dancing to My Humps at 1:40am at a service station in Marulan because we just couldn't do anything else, and of receiving phone calls at 10:30 that same night and letting Alison answer the phone by singing No Scrubs by TLC. I love the fact that we all joined in.

Oh, and the fact that i sung You Give Love a Bad Name probably 20-50 times in 5 days.

I guess that is many many loves. there will be photos in a day or two, I'll probably get the rest of the America photos developed too.

In case you are wondering: The only way to feel great again after a night of driving, arriving in Parramatta at 4am and then waking at 6 for a train home(you have to arrive before yr folks leave for work as you left your keys at home) is to have a bath and listen to a Cat Power record and then fall asleep watching The Usual Suspects (A Lush product or a Body Shop bath fizzer are excellent additions).
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