Dec 27, 2008 20:34
So I have a real conundrum here. I have two great options of activities for New Year's Eve.
Option 1:
A while back I told my mother that I would come home for New Year's, because I had no other plans. I was able to get January 2nd off from work so that I could have New Year's Day dinner with my parents and grandma, which is a tradition. I intend to go home no matter what, since my aunt and uncle from southern California will be up to do a second Christmas. The change is just when I would return to the bay area.
then comes option 2:
Go home Monday night, have Christmas with my aunt and uncle, and come back to the bay Wednesday (New Year's Eve). Then I would get to go to a great party that night that my friends are throwing. Which I know I would enjoy. I don't have to work on the 1st, so I wouldn't have to worry about getting to bed at a reasonable hour, and I also have the 2nd off, so I would finally have a day at home to do all that stuff like laundry.
Another good reason to stay at my parents is that we could go up to the snow on one of the days I'd be there, and I LOVE the snow! Also, my parents are still off from school, so I would get to see them more than I normally do when I go to visit.
Damn it! Why do I have to have two such intriguing options?
By the way, thanks to my wonderful friends with whom I had so much fun this past weekend!