This Is Not An Intervention (Crossover with Doctor Who, PG) - two tricksters meet in a bar
Seize The Day (Maria Hill/Steve Rogers, hints of Tony Stark/Steve Rogers, PG-13)
Fantasy (Tony Stark/Steve Rogers, Tony Stark/Bruce Banner, R for swearing and sexual situations) - Maria knows this won’t last. She grips his shoulders and wraps her legs around his hips, holding onto what isn’t hers.
Borrower's Debt (Loki/Sif, PG-13):
3 - Tony's average day is interrupted by two unexpected visitors.
Doctor Who
Tinkering (Eleven/Rory, PG-13 for exploration)
Twister (Eleven/Amy/Rory, PG-13 for a ménage à trois)
Parents Just Don't Understand (Amy/Rory, River Song, PG) - Sometimes it's not easy being River Song. Especially when you remember everything your parents don't, like the fact that the man your mother is searching for is right in front of her. Set during The Wedding of River Song so spoilers for everything up to and including that episode.
Fairground Attraction (Crossover, G, written before I'd even watched the extras on the S6 DVDs!) - When he arrives, he finds the TARDIS door is open. The Doctor smiles. "Now, I know I locked you," he murmurs. "So who did you let in? Someone who wants to run away? I love those."
Dinosaur Feathers (Amy/Rory, Eleven/Rory, PG-13) - Written for the kink meme, a rather specific prompt born out of a crazy Twitter conversation: Team TARDIS is back in the age of the Dinosaurs, the real ones, not the Jurassic Park types... Eleven bromances Rory by showing him how to steal a feather from a Velociraptor (shut up they really did have feathers, ask any student paleontologist), Rory queries the necessity of such a thing, but Eleven hints at him finding out later...
Harry Potter
Mentors (Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Nymphadora Tonks, Weasley Twins, PG-13) - George and Fred find out about Remus and Sirius, while Tonks finds out about Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs.
Corridors of Power (Remus & Kingsley, Remus/Tonks implied, PG) - Kingsley and Remus discuss the implications of Remus's relationship with Tonks in the real world.
Destination Unknown (Wormtail, PG-13) - The night and morning after the Department of Mysteries from the point of view of the man, the rat, and the traitor Wormtail... There is no such thing as absolute good or absolute evil... absolute joy or absolute pain... absolute madness or absolute sanity.
Cat's Paw (Scrimgeour, Percy Weasley, PG) - Rufus Scrimgeour doesn't take holidays.
Remembrance Day (Remus, PG for morbid musings on death) - On the Day of the Dead, one of the surviving members of the original Order of the Phoenix remembers his lost comrades, and is reminded himself that life goes on.
Freedom Fighter (Percy Weasley, George Weasley, PG) - On a beautiful summer's day, Percy visits his twin brothers.
Watching for Wolves (Ginny Weasley, starts PG and becomes PG-13) - An Alternative POV story of Ginny Weasley's second year and how she started to come to terms with the events of her first one, thanks to the new DADA teacher, Remus Lupin.
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Harry/Ginny
The Only One (Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, R) - Ginny knows that Harry is still blaming himself for Sirius's death, but what can she do? As it turns out, quite a lot. Not exactly fluffy, but hints at H/G.
Right Here, Waiting (Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, PG-13) - Set after the Battle of Hogwarts, Ginny and Harry have an important conversation.
The Art of Browsing (Remus/Tonks, PG) - It's amazing what you can find when you're not actually looking for something.
For The Benefit Of Professor Lupin (Remus/Tonks + Sirius, PG-13) - Remus's friends and loved ones conspire to thwart his attempts at a quiet birthday, despite his best efforts.
Difference I - Young and Old (Remus/Tonks, PG-13) - The age gap isn’t as wide as Remus thinks.
Difference II - Hufflepuff and Gryffindor (Remus/Tonks, PG) - Tonks confronts Remus about New Year's Eve: snarkiness, flirtation and house discussion follows, not necessarily in that order.
Difference III - Rich and Poor (Remus/Tonks, PG-13) - Tonks and Snape disagree over the definition of a monster.
Stake Your Place (Remus/Tonks, PG) - Remus is good at camping. Maybe too good.
Sorting Out (Remus/Tonks, G) - While going through some boxes, Remus discovers something he didn't know about his wife.
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Starsea xxx