a motley list of recent events

Oct 13, 2009 22:27

So my lovely flist, how are we all doing today?

oo1: Been watching Glee obsessively, and am in giant amounts of love with Sue. Her journal scene from last week's episode cracked me up so bad. Tell me I'm not the only one here?

oo2: Saw (500) Days of Summer last week and Mao's Last Dancer this week. Won't really talk about them because I think that everybody should have seen them by now. But, man oh man, the dancing in Mao's Last Dancer was brilliant. Words can't describe it. Also, the dance movie nerd in me loved seeing Amanda Schull (the blonde girl from Centre Stage - one of my ~favourite~ movies, negl), even if she wasn't dancing much. Just... wow at the dancing :|||

oo3: I've started this new eating plan at the behest of my mum, which involves not much other than cutting back on complex carbs* after 2pm. So far it's been pretty good, and I've been feeling a lot... lighter than I used to. Not in the weight sense, but in the way your stomach feels after a meal. Have more energy too, which is pretty fantabulous, if you ask me XD;;

* i.e. meals that are majority carbohydrates, like pasta or rice meals

oo4: Can Canberra weather please make up its mind? It's October, it's supposed to be warm and not raining? Definitely not impressed, I thought I could put away my coats and boots :(((
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