time for another monthly update! (or what feels like a month haha)

May 13, 2009 23:22

oo1: THIS close to graduating but man oh man, have i lost my motivation. BIG TIME. it's almost scary how much work i'm not doing at the moment and how much i should probably do to keep up with my ONE CLASS. yes, you heard that right, one class. which is Japanese... :|

oo2: It's you, anybody? apart from Butt's hilarious acting (or lack thereof), i really like it! Hyukkie's channeling his inner Woohyuk (who is always approved of!) and Kyu, my feelings can only be summed up with this XD

oo3: Went to Sydney last weekend for this karaoke trip. I won't discuss much here (unless you want me to XD) but can A-san please-oh-please stop being such a drama queen and learn when to relinquish control? i'm usually pretty chill about people's quirks and idiosyncracies but even i'm having trouble biting my tongue and holding back from really saying what people think of him. personal semi-dislike aside, i mean

oo4: finally it's cold! it's only, what, may? who else remembers winter coming much earlier?

oo5: if i could have any power in the world, other than my awesome power to have a THEME SONG GUY - which i've always wanted - it'd be the ability to use gifs in real life. how cool would it be?!

it'd mean i could do things like this!

or this!

and with that, i'm going to bed. good night, everybody! :3

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