Apr 27, 2008 18:51
So, I started this weekend with a really long list of stuff to do - all to do with one school or another. So far, I have finished 1 of about 4 things that I have to do. On the positive side, the one thing (curriculum mapping) I have done is the most pointless one.
Some people might consider this to be the last minute. Well, for the part where I have to write my reviews for my Geometry class... this is the pretty late for most other people. However, except for that, everything else is due on Wednesday. So... um... I'm doing very well with that ;-)
Of course, the hard part is that I keep getting distracted by... anything and everything. Yesterday, when I should have started, I decided that it would be a good time to get new glasses (I was going to do that sometime in May, anyway). Oh, and can I just tell you that right before you have to do a lot of reading and typing is NOT a good time to adjust to a new prescription? I'm going to need some definite away time from my glasses once I'm finished tonight!
Off to work more... bleh.