Title: Just Another Farewell
Characters/Pairings: Jack Sparrow/Elizabeth Swann
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Warnings: Implied Character Death
potc100 #1 Farewell
Notes: Written for
ninepointfivemm's birthday.
Disclaimer: PotC belongs to Disney
Will's eyes are on her but she can't look away from the spot where a ship should be sailing. It should but it doesn't. It's just another shipwreck that's drifting further and further away from her.
Goodbyes are commonplace when you are a pirate. Murder and mutiny could happen at any moment. To survive you must be jaded. She knows this because she's a pirate; just like he accused and complimented in a single breath.
So this is just another farewell and he's just another pirate. Or that's what she keeps whispering to herself over and over under her breath.