Title: A Heart Remembers.
Chapter: One
Rating: G
Graphics: None
Disclaimer: This is an original story by Sarabi and all characters and events are fictional, not to mention copyrighted. Any resemblance to real events or people is a coincidence.
June 24, 2006
Breathing is such a simple thing but with every breath Evelyn Galt took brought her back to consciousness and straight into confusion. The beeping sounds around her were foreign to her as were the smells. She slowly opened her eyes and the blurred images that floated before them seemed so far away.
“Ms. Galt?” a voice asked and she blinked clearing her vision to look at a woman dressed in white and looking down on her with what she would later realize was concern. “Ms. Galt, you’ve had a nasty fall and are in the hospital. Can you hear me Ms. Galt?” Evelyn could only move her head a little in a nod. Everything hurt, things she couldn’t name were hurting and that’s when a small light flicked on in her head.
“Who am I?” She whispered softly to the woman who gave her a soft smile.
“You’re name is Evelyn Galt. You live in Denver Colorado and was at the Denver International Airport earlier today when you fell down some stone steps.” Before the woman could continue, a man stepped up beside her dressed in a suit with a white overcoat.
“Ms. Galt, I am Doctor Romero. It would seem you have a small case of temporary amnesia.” Evelyn blinked at the doctor as he took a seat on the bed and looked at a her chart. “You don’t have any broken bones, but there are a few bruises and bumps to your head mainly and you have a laceration down your left side.” Evelyn moved her head to look away from the doctor and stopped listening. She had no clue what he was saying anyways and all she wanted to do was to slip back into sleep. She softly closed her eyes and after a moment of listening to the rhythm of her own heartbeat had comfortably slipped back into darkness.
“Ms. Galt?”
Go away.
“Ms. Galt, are you awake?”
“Ms. Galt, this is Detective Morris from Denver PD here to see you.”
Well shit.
Evelyn cracked an eye and looked at the man smiling down at her in a gray suit with a cartoon tie that she quietly wondered if she ever knew who the cartoon character on the tie was. She opened her other eye and looked at the detective but didn’t smile.
“I’ll get right to the point Ms. Galt.” Detective Morris began. “Can you tell me what you were doing in a unmonitored area by a set of authorized personal only stairs?” he asked and she blinked at him before shaking her head. “Can you tell me anything at all about your attacker?”
“Attacker?” Evelyn whispered softly not quite understanding.
“Yes, according to Doctor Romero the bruises you’ve sustained in your shoulder area are consistent with bruises one would get from someone hitting them with the palms of their hands.” Detective Morris explained showing her his right hand and running the finger of his left hand along the bottom of the palm of his right. Again Evelyn could only shrug with a small shake of her head.
“In case the doctor failed to inform you detective, I have amnesia, I don’t know what happened. I don’t even know what a detective is.” Evelyn informed him and before he could answer her a woman’s voice piped up from behind him.
“Are you suggesting that someone was trying to kill my daughter detective?” Detective Morris turned to face a tall woman with short brown curly hair and a stern expression that left no room for bullshit. The detective didn’t have to look twice to know that the woman standing in front of him was a relation to the woman laying bruised in the hospital bed. The hair, eyes and quite possibly figure were almost identical.
“I take it you are Evelyn Galt’s mother?” Detective Morris asked the obvious feeling slightly like an idiot for doing so.
“I am. Vianona Galt and this is my son Eric Galt.” At that a younger boy, no more than sixteen, stepped away from Vianona’s side and went over to Evelyn and sat on her bed.
“Evie, are you alright?” He asked softly and Evelyn smiled at him with sadness in her eyes as not a single memory of the boy floated into her mind.
“And her father?” Detective Morris asked.
“Hugh is in Seattle on business.” Vianona answered sharply as Morris took down some notes.
“Do you know of anyone who would want to hurt your daughter Mrs. Galt?” He asked looking up at the woman from his notepad.
“No, not off the top of my head. You see, Evie has been living in an apartment in Denver for the last couple of years on her own, Eric would go over to her place from time to time mostly on the weekends to visit, but other than that I am not familiar with any of Evie’s current friends.” Vianona explained looking over at her daughter a feeling of anger coming over her.
“Eric would go over?” Morris asked not missing the past tense of the sentence.
“We’re moving out of Colorado, it’s a miracle the hospital was able to reach us at all.” Vianona explained still looking at her daughter.
“What about you son? Have you noticed anything strange while visiting your sister?” Morris asked of Eric who looked over at him for a moment before shaking his head.
“No. I’ve met a few of Evie’s friends and none of them would be gutsy enough to do anything like this. They’re mostly work related, ass kisser types.” Morris nodded with a small smile on his face as he wrote the information down.
“Who would do such a thing? And for what reason?” Vianona asked the anger at the situation showing clearly on her face.
“Well ma’am that’s what I’m here to find out. As far as we can tell it wasn’t for money. She still had the hundred dollars in her wallet, along with her credit cards. Unfortunately where it happened has no security cameras so we can’t just check the tapes. If it wasn’t for the sensors on those particular stairs, your daughter might not have been found in time and she could very likely have bled to death.” Vianona gave a sharp look at Detective Morris and he winced slightly. A few moments of silence passed before Morris cleared his throat and pulled out a card and handed it to Vianona. “If you think of anything at all, give me a call.” He told her and then nodded in Evelyn’s direction. “If she remembers anything give me a call.” Vianona nodded and took a deep breath.
“Of course.” She said softly. “Do keep us informed of your findings detective.” She added and Morris gave her a nod before leaving. Vianona stood there for a moment before coming round to the side of the bed and sitting down taking one of Evelyn’s hands in hers. “My Evie, what has happened to you?” She whispered while softly brushing a light brown curl off Evelyn’s forehead with a sad smile. “Well, considering the circumstances I do believe it is in your best interests for you to come back home for a bit. At least until you regain your memory.” Evelyn had no choice but to agree with the woman who looked upon her with love and sadness never realizing just how much she was going to rely and need the two people sitting on her bed at that moment, and the man currently doing business in Seattle.
And now, back to writing! :)
Chapter Two