The latest version of The BookTM is complete!
No word metrics, because there’s no need; it’s done, it’s done! The word count goal was to match the previous version of the book while including the revisions suggested to me by the agent interested in it. Even though I slaughtered a few scenes, added new chapters, included new characters, resurrected a buried plot, I came within 2,500 words (more) than my original word count.
Except for one (new) chapter that needs some work, I’m happy with the new draft.
Now what? Now, I sit on it for a few weeks, then go through it again. I want to send it back to the agent by early November.
In the meantime, though, I’d like to find another beta reader or two who haven’t read The BookTM, don’t have any preconceptions about it, who would be willing to read it and give me their thoughts on it.
I don’t need line-by-line grammar and spelling edits. Just a general feel and impression of the overall setting, plot, story, and characters (I’ll make it easier by asking a few questions after you’ve read it).
If you’re interesting, let me know!
Crossposted from my
website. Comment here or there.