cheerful] [music|Muse - Hypermusic]
Finding werid things on the street is always good - On Friday on the way to work I found One Green (Number 8) UNO card. Just one, on its own sitting on a wall. I also found a dead mouse in my kitchen the other day (Not good)
Finding things hysterically funny is great aswell. I was watching Little Britain last night and I found "Mr. Man" so funny I watched it over, and over again. Its the deadpan face he has and this part -
In Roy's card shop (I think its Roy's anyway)
Mr Man: I'm looking for a card.
Roy: These are all cards over here.
Mr Man: For a man.
Roy: Well, these are all mens cards.
Mr. Man: Who is 60
Roy picks up a card with "Happy 60th Birthday" on it
Mr Man: Five
Roy picks up a card with "Happy 65th Birthday on it" and a picture of a dog.
Mr. Man: He hates dogs.
Roy picks up a card with "Happy 65th Birthday on it" and a picture of a cat.
Mr Man: And cats.
Roy picks up a card with "Happy 65th Birthday on it" and a picture of a cartoon frog.
Mr. Man: And cartoon Frogs.
Roy: Does he like any animals?!?!!
Mr Man: He likes one celled organisms.....like Amoebas.
It went on for a bit longer...but I love Mr. Man!!! It really makes me want to go to my shop and ask for incredibly specific things. So for the first time in about 2 months. I didn't watch House or Once and Again!
But! I woke up this morning with a ficlet idea for House/Stacy....which....I may write....though its been so long since I wrote any fanfic I think I've forgotton how to!