Carving my Life

May 21, 2012 15:42

“We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake, not by mechanical aids, but by an infinite expectation of the dawn, which does not forsake us even in our soundest sleep. I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by a conscious endeavour. It is something to be able to paint a particular picture, or to carve a statue, and so to make a few objects beautiful; but it is far more glorious to carve and paint the very atmosphere and medium through which we look, which morally we can do. To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of arts.” 
― Henry David Thoreau
I think I have done pretty well with the first few days of my resolution to disconnect from digital media and reconnect with the world. (Unfortunately, a side effect is that I didn't put everything I did into my Google calendar, so I will try to remember it off the top of my head).

On Thursday, I ate my lunch with everyone else at work, outside at the picnic table. I usually eat at my desk at the computer, or by myself in the green room, but instead I chatted with them for an hour and a half, and had a blast. We talked movies and strategized for the zombie apocalypse. Friday, I ate by myself, but outside at the picnic table in the sun. Occasionally, I'd look up from my book and stare into space, enjoying the weather, and watching the wind play on the grass like waves.

On Saturday, I went to my first class of the summer. The teacher was incredibly engaging, and the topic looks fascinating. All of my classmates were incredibly talkative and outgoing. Unfortunately, this class is an OWL class: Online and Weekend Learning. This means that we will only meet in person four times. The rest of the class will be conducted in online discussion boards. Not a good thing for my resolution, or for my learning (kinesthetic learners need immersive, hands-on experiences). However, it did get me up at 7am on a Saturday, which I discovered is quite nice. I actually like waking up early on weekends!

After that, I went to the farmers market and wandered around in the sun, browsing and impulse buying. I got some delicious raisin pumpernickel bread (which contains  dozens of ingredients including coffee and chocolate), I bought blue cheese that looks like something you dug out of the grout in the bathroom, but tastes amazing, I bought soap made out of goats that smells delicious. I also got my tarot cards read, and the lady was almost comically off, but she was firm in her believe that Lee was here to stay, so I am inclined to like her.

Our evening dinner plans were canceled, so I went over to Caitlin's house for a dinner made entirely of salad and bbq chips, with faux-garits as a tasty treat. Lee and Mole joined us about halfway though, and we hung out and chatted beneath her patio fairy lights until late.

The next morning, Caitlin and I got together and ran. Outside. It was incredible. We both signed up for The DC Color Run with a group of friends, and have started the "Couch to 10K" training program that she has on her iPhone. It involves walking for a little, then running for a little, back and forth. It was a lot easier than I expected! We found a lovely track on which to run at the International School a little bit down the road from Downtown Silver Spring. That morning, it was abuzz with people, playing soccer, running or walking around the track, or picnicking on the sides. The lines on the track were surprisingly motivating. It made me feel like someone who runs. I'm legit! I'm running between lines! And running outside was thrilling! I never got bored like I do at the gym, because there was so much to look at! It was really nice to have company, too. Caitlin and I ran at the same pace, and our thumping feet gave us a nice rhythm to keep the momentum going. We also became like a strange, intuitive flock of two birds. When there were slower movers in front of us, we would move in sync around them at the same time. It was fun to explore Sligo Creek trail as well. I was shocked that the morning had none of the hazards I fear I will meet when I run outside: shin splints, knee damage, boredom, falling on concrete, too much heat or hills so I die, danger of being mauled by lurking jogger-hunting muggers or rapists. It was brilliant, and I hope to do it regularly every Sunday!

I felt great when I got home, ate lunch watched some TV, and then promptly got a sore throat and a runny nose and passed out. I did go to Lee's play readings, however, and had a lovely time (once I fortified myself with decongestants, tissues, throat losanges, and tea).

The main difficulty is not finding things to do outside the house. I've been doing ok with that. I think my downfall right now is finding things to do IN the house that are not TV or computer. My mind goes to "board games" and that is it. When I am by myself, and not tired or sick, there are several things I can do. I've started to look at those books on my shelf that are not narrative books, The ones you are supposed to pick up, read one thing, and then put down again, like Home Remedies, The Dangerous Book for Girls, or comically illustrated how to books. I can pick up my violin or craft.

The most difficult times, I think, is finding things in the house for Lee and I to do together. He is the most supportive man in the world, and is very willing to do non-digital activities with me, but when the moment comes, I can't think of anything to do besides "board games." And alas, our board games currently consist of ones we have played to death, or varieties of Trivial Pursuit (which I love, but he does not). We are making small steps forward in this regard. We are currently making a pie. Not right now, but two days ago we made the dough (it had to sit over night in the fridge), and when we have a moment in the next few days, we will make the filling and bake it. Currently in pie limbo.

When he wants to lie next to me and play computer games or watch you tube videos when I have been computered out, I can't read books, because I get distracted. I had been just re-checking Facebook over and over, but now I have picked up my crossword book again. I can do crosswords with distracting noises and visuals, thankfully. Occasionally, when I'm stumped, Lee helps.

But I really need to find more at home activities we can do together. We've got cooking and board games so far. Maybe the solution is to turn off the TV and the computer, allow ourselves to be bored for a bit, and see Any suggestions anyone?

world-musing, self-musing

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