Book Reviews are Moving!

Oct 13, 2011 14:03

Ladies and gents, after a long run on livejournal, I have decided to move my book review portion of the blog to a separate site:

The name “Palimpsest” refers to parchment that people used to recycle by scraping the text off, and writing on it again. Often, the old text would re-emerge and both texts would be visible.

This is the bent of my blog: to review books that spin new tales out of old cloth, dare to ask “what if,” give an eccentric perspective, or smash two genres together to create something new. This will encompass alternate histories, steampunk, fairy tale adaptations, literary riffs, time travel, historical fiction, fantasy, sci-fi, genre-bending books, and anything else that has been put in the literary space/time blender.

If you have any recommendations of books for me to read and review, let me know!

(My personal journal will remain on Comfortator).


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