Yu Yu Hakusho Fic: Inconsequential [2/5]

Jul 27, 2011 10:18

Fandom: Yu Yu Hakusho
Genre: Romance
Characters/Pairing: Yusuke/Keiko
Summary: Four secrets Yusuke kind of regrets not telling Keiko... And one he doesn't. Oneshot/drabble for each secret. Rated T for language.
Link to FF.net (for the newest chapter): http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7222117/2/Inconsequential

A/N: This secret is set before the beginning of the manga and anime.
Disclaimer for this chapter: I still don't own Yu Yu Hakusho, as well as Measure for Measure, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Macbeth, and Jane Eyre. Woe is me, but please enjoy!


Yusuke... Kind-of-might-perhaps-sort-of like Shakespeare.

He knows. It weirds him out just saying it, believe him.

Don't get him wrong, he can't recite any of the playwright's lines and--like pretty much the rest of the world-- doesn't understand what the crazy bastard's saying half the time.

But he gets the gist of it.

He gets that Romeo and Juliet isn't really just a love story, but about impetuous decisions and the tragedies of street violence (this is his least favorite play, since he might be a little guilty of both... But he digresses). He understands that Measure for Measure deals with the hypocrisy power creates and the maintaining of honor-- not just some asshole trying to get into a nun's pants. He recognizes that while Hamlet is an emo dumbfuck with a creepy crush on his mother, the play itself is about the consequences of seeking revenge and believing delusions.

... So he might of read the scholars' notes in the front of the books once or twice. Sue him.

Keiko, however, didn't know he knew any of this. In fact, she was relatively convinced that Yusuke couldn't even read.

Not that it really mattered, since schoolwork never came up in their conversations anyway. It was a topic that she thought was a hopeless cause, and Yusuke never bothered to enlighten her. He meant to keep it that way, too. It just almost... Slipped.

He had been walking her home from school fairly late in the afternoon, as student counsel duties kept her busy and a fight distracted him nearby (seriously, he wants to know what kind of death wish that Kuwa-something guy has). She was rambling on about what kind of homework she needed to finish--like he cared or something-- while he listlessly wondered whether he could snag something from her family's restaurant for dinner.

"... and then I have to find quotations and explain how Macbeth's ambition ultimately lead to his killing Duncan," she sighed dramatically.

... He wasn't thinking, he really wasn't.

Yusuke snorted. "Please, his ambition wouldn't have done anything if it wasn't for his batshit wife. She's the one who started all that crap. It wasn't until afterward, when he went to see the hags again that the pansy could stand on his own two feet." He punched the crosswalk button with the side of his fist, walking when the light turned green. It wasn't until about four steps in that he noticed she wasn't following. He looked behind him to see her staring back, gaping.

"... What?"

She visibly swallowed. "Have you... Have you been paying attention in class?"

Realization dawned on him and drained a little color from his face. "No." The lie was out of his mouth before he processed it, and for this one time Yusuke was glad he said things before thinking. He turned, attempting to walk (subtly) faster.

Unfortunately, Keiko caught up with him. "Yes, you have. You must have."

"No, actually, I haven't." Yusuke doesn't remember a time in which his poker face was more useful. "I stole some of your notes. Unless you forgot about that nasty bruise you gave me last week in math, it isn't the first time, Keiko."

"You couldn't have. I was writing those notes today. We had just learned about Duncan's murder... I don't remember anything about Macbeth seeing the witches again, though. Unless..." Her eyes widened, and she grabbed his wrist, stopping them both. "... Oh my goodness. You-- you read ahead, didn't yo--"

Just then, Yusuke used his other hand to flip up her skirt.

A last resort is never a bad thing to have.

She screamed, grabbing her skirt in one hand and dropping his wrist to hit him with the other. He was able to escape... Well, almost. Keiko's a damn fast sprinter, even in a skirt and a briefcase in tow. Still, it was a better outcome than the (horrifying) alternative.

Yusuke knows now that it wouldn't have been a big deal if he told Keiko he liked reading the guy. There might have been benefits, even. Keiko would have realized he wasn't all that ignorant after all, that he did actually have an appreciation and decent understanding of the arts. There might have been less Keiko-smackdowns afterwards, too.

... Still. There was the inevitably strong possibility that she would have asked him to join her and her friends' book club. And that was something Yusuke could not have been able to handle.

After all: could you imagine him in a group of sniffling schoolgirls, tearfully discussing the beautiful relationship between Jane and Mr. Rochester in Jane Eyre?

Yeah. He didn't think so either.


A/N: Because you know Yusuke would totally (secretly) dig him. On that note, anybody else notice that a lot of the Shakespearian themes mentioned above can relate to at least one point in the series? Seriously. Think about it.

Anywho. Two down, three more to go! These first two were the clearest in my head, so it might take me awhile to get the third down on paper... Especially considering the fact that I'm thinking of scratching the idea I have and making a new secret. Which I don't know yet. Le sigh. Please review! x)

yu yu hakusho, yusuke/keiko, fic

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